studio oliveira
PORTUGAL is a country of arts and crafts, especially ceramics. Thanks to clay-rich soils, creative people, and the desire for sustainable objects, many different traditions have developed 〜 with regional materials, techniques, and styles. This history still connects the traditional potteries in the hinterland with the young ceramic studios in the cities.
STUDIO OLIVEIRA is dedicated to this culture, the potters, and their products 〜 by travel, research, texts, and exhibitions. I bring the most beautiful pieces to Berlin and sell them online as well as at design markets and pop-ups.

I am Isabel, a German-Portuguese art historian based in Berlin. After finishing my PhD, I founded studio oliveira out of love for arts and crafts and for my second home. I enjoy the exchange with Portuguese artists as well as with all people who are enthusiastic about European cultural heritage. Therefore, I am always happy to be contacted and to exchange ideas for collaboration. When I am not at my desk, I particularly love to travel the Alentejo with its rolling hills and olive trees 〜 hence the name of the project: oliveira.

I studied Art History & German at the Free University of Berlin, Université Paris-Sorbonne, University of Oxford 〜 PhD in 2022
Memberships: Deutscher Lusitanist*innenverband (German lusitanists) 〜 Ulmer Verein. Verband für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (arts research) 〜 Deutscher Verband für Kunstgeschichte (art history) 〜 Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft (cultural policy) 〜 Polis180: WG "International Cultural Relations" (2020-2022) 〜 Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung: WG "Art & Transformation" (2019-2021)